Sunday, November 28, 2010

Classic Rum Punch - 1984

rum punch 2

When I was looking through the cookbook for things to make for the dinner party that I was having, I was looking for a simple cocktail that I could serve. As I flipped through the chapter, I paused on many things, but decided that Rum Punch looked pretty delicious. With four ingredients, it is certainly easy to put together.  You start by putting a cube of ice in a glass, some demera sugar, the juice of half a lime, and two ounces of rum. You stir and then drink. The sugar does not melt right away, so as you're drinking, it has this delicious quality of being a bit overly rummy at the beginning, but as you drink, and stir, it becomes sweeter, and more limey, somehow, so when you are at the end, all you can think about is how you want another. 

Have you guys seen the scene Mary Poppins where she's giving the kids the medicine after they got caught in the rain, and hers is rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrum punch?  That's how I say rum punch in my head. And now that I've tasted one ...(or three), I believe that Mary Poppins might have been a bit of an alcoholic.  That's okay though, I don't imagine it's easy to be a nanny, you might need a couple of these after a long hard day minding children in London. 

Rum Punch!
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrum  Punch! 

1 comment:

  1. Super easy and have now served these a couple of times to guests. I used about three ice cubes per drink, but they still start off strong. I need to find some cool cocktail stirrers for these, as stirring while drinking "makes the medicine go down..."
    Great before-dinner drink.
