Tuesday, November 2, 2010

David Eyre's Oven Pancake- 1966

Oven pancake in the oven

One of my friend Katie's favorite breakfast foods is a Dutch Baby, sometimes called an Oven Pancake, or a German Pancake.  She's talked about it a lot- her cousin makes them for her, and I kind of knew what she was talking about, but I didn't quite get the appeal. It's a pancake? That you cook in the oven?  Okay.... but I am still waiting for my book to come, (insert rant about the USPS and how they LIE about how they attempted to deliver my book because: NO BOOK AT MY HOUSE)  and I was looking for book recipes online that I could do.  I figured for Glee Tuesday (two friends come over to watch Glee every Tuesday Night. ) I'd make breakfast for dinner.  A little pancake, a little bacon, and If my friends were in the mood, some Gin Rickeys. 

My friends however, since it is a repeat night, made other plans. So I scrapped the cooking of the bacon, and made the pancake for myself.   It was delicious, and I am not sad at all that they weren't here, because I didn't have to share any of it.  Light, and crisp, and buttery, and eggy.  The sugar and lemon on it were great, and my second piece I had with some raspberry jam, and it was heavenly. 

Oven pancake on the table
My camera doesn't do it justice, but it looked so SO awesome in the cast iron skillet. 

I am hoping the leftovers will be tasty toasted a little in the morning.  I bet they will! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I just made this tonight for dessert and it is easy, impressive-looking and delicious. I now know why it is so popular. I served it with lingonberry preserves, but then also had seconds with grated bittersweet chocolate (leftover from the cookbook's chocoloate mousse recipe which I made for New Year's Eve). I'm thinking I could make this once a week varying the toppings and would never tire of it. Nutella or a fudge sauce might be awesome.
